Freitag, 5. Dezember 2014

not killing the music industry

Let's start today....
...with something totally different from yesterday.

Warpaint - s/t - 2014 Rough Trade RTRADLPX680, Rough Trade RTRADLP680

I can't remember when it was that I downloaded the bands debut 12" and who pointed me in their direction but I instantly loved what I heard. Unfortunately I always considered that record overpriced so I never got me a copy.

Fastforward to earlier this year while recordshopping I found this, their latest release, a double 12" with an etched 4th side (see picture below), for a really good price so I couldn't resist.
See. Downloading music is not killing the music industry or harming the bands. It leads to more sales. If I'd never downloaded their music I would probably have forgotten about that one recommendation I got and never picked this up.

Anyway. This is one hell of a dreamy indie pop record. I'm not too familiar with that genre but I guess you would call this Shoegaze. But whatever category you would want to force it into doesn't really matter. If you're into a wide range of music and appreciate a good record regardless of the label people slap on it you should check this out.

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